There are a huge number of softwares available on the internet to split a file in parts and recombine them later but most of them corrupts the file either while splitting or while recombining and are not safe. Here I'll tell about which software you should use to keep your file safe and How to split files using that softwares.
Why do we need to split a file ?
The answer is simple. In certain cases while transferring like:
- You don't have enough space in one flash drive to store the file(file is larger than the storage capacity of your pendrive or flash drive). you split the file and store in different pendrives.
- Your file is larger than 4GB. In that case even if your pendrive or flash drive is more than 4GB you won't be able to store and get a error message " The file size is too large for the destination file system".
Splitting using Winrar
Splitting a file using Winrar is the best way. It never corrupts the file you can also compress while splitting. And the best is you can also protect your part files by using a password.
- In " Split to to volumes, bytes", fill the maximum size of each of the part file.
- You can also compress the file if you want to. To compress just select the compression method. The more you'll compress the file the more slower will be splitting work. Select Store for the fastest splitting.
- If you want to protect it using password. Select Advanced and then Set password. Enter password and then verify.
- Press OK after you finish giving all the specifications.
- Your files will be splitted according to your given volume.
Like here a 26.5 GB file is been splitted in 3 part files of 10 GB, 10GB and 6.54GB.
Note: While entering the maximum volume of the part file remember it's in bytes.
Recombining Using Winrar
- Put all the Part files in the same folder.
- Right click on the part1 and select Extract Here.
- Now, your part file will be combined into a single file.
Splitting Using Hj-Split
Now you may think why we need Hj-Split when we have Winrar. It is because if you split a file using Hj-Split you can also use the file in it's part form. Hj-Split doesn't requires an installation.
- Open Hj-Split by double clicking and select Split.
- Select Input file and locate the file directory of the file you want to split.
- If you want your part file in different folder or drive then locate Output(otherwise left it your part file will be in the same folder).
- Enter the maximum size of the part file. and click on start.
Your file will be splitted in part files according to your given size.
Recombining Part Files using Hj-Split
- Keep all the part files in the same folder.
- open Hj-Split by double clicking and select join.
- click on input file and locate the part file having domain 001.
- Locate Output if you want to recombine in different folder.
Your file is recombined in a single file.
Note: Hj-Split is good for splitting video files.
Having any Problem?
Feel Free to ask.
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