Saturday, 19 January 2013

Gear up Hackers: Annual Facebook Hacker Cup Registration has started

Facebook has started registration for the annual hacker cup of 2013. The Facebook Hacker Cup is an annual worldwide programming competition where hackers compete against each other for fame, fortune, glory and a shot at the coveted Hacker Cup
Facebook has started it’s hacker cup on the year 2011. Last Year 8000 hackers from 150 countries participated in Hackers cup. 

“The competition will be held in two rounds starting with an online qualification, out of which 25 of the best hackers are then flown by Facebook to their headquarters in Menlo Park, CA, “said Facebook.
“Hacking is core to how we build at Facebook. Whether we’re building a prototype for a major product like Timeline at a Hackathon, creating a smarter search algorithm, or tearing down walls at our new headquarters, we’re always hacking to find better ways to solve problems. In the Hacker Cup, programmers from around the world will be judged on accuracy and speed as they race to solve algorithmic problems to advance through up to five rounds of programming challenges. This is your chance to compete against the world’s best programmers for awesome prizes and the title of World Champion.” Said Facebook on it’s official Facebook Hackers cup Page.


  •  1st Place: $10,000 USD
  • 2nd Place: $2,000 USD
  • 3rd Place: $1,000 USD
  • 4th-25th Place: $100 USD

Registration is open upto January 27, 2013. To register to the link below.

For those who registered for it last year don’t need to register this year. But they Need to check their info that it is up to date.

How to Compete in Hackers cup

  1. Before the competition starts, Facebook’ll post a link that you can use to access the problems for that round.
  2. Write a program to solve the problem. You can use any programming language that has a free compiler or interpreter available. Your program will need to solve the input file in less than 6 minutes.
  3. Make sure that your program exactly follows the input and output formats. When you run your program on the sample input, it should produce the sample output.
  4. When you are confident that your program is correct, download the input file. This will start a 6-minute timer. You must upload your output and your source code before the timer ends to get credit for the problem.
  5. If you accidentally submit the wrong files or you realize that there is a problem with your program, you can resubmit as many times as you need to during the 6 minutes. Once the 6 minutes has ended, you may not submit again for that problem. The last submission within the 6 minutes will be used for grading.
  6. After the round has ended, Facebook'll judge the problems. If you advanced to the next round you'll be notified via email.  

Rounds Schedule for Hackers Cup

Registration                                 Jan 7 - Jan 27
Online Qualification Round           Jan 25 - Jan 27
Online Elimination Round 1           Feb 2
Online Elimination Round 2           Feb 9 
Online Elimination Round 3           Feb 16
Onsite Finals at Facebook            March 22 -23 

For More details: log on to Facebook Hacker Cup Page

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