Thursday, 6 December 2012

Tips to Secure your emails from hacking and spying

Why securing your emails is necessary?

Most users think that the security provided by the Email service providers is enough. But that is a myth.
Now a days hacking and spying is in mainstream. Your important emails are no more secure. Anyone can read your emails.
People try too many things to secure their E-mail still that are not enough.
Below I have told about the tips to secure email.

An intelligent but unsuccessful attempt:

  • Drop draft idea in clouds

          Saving emails in a shared draft folder is no longer safer than transmitting them. They are stored in the cloud server. Even if they are deleted, email service providers can be compelled to provide copies.

What you can do to secure your Emails:

  • Hide Location of your Device

          You can mask IP address by using Tor, a popular privacy tool, or use a virtual private network, which adds a layer of security to public Wi-Fi networks.

  • Encrypt Emails

            Email encryption services, like GPG, help protect digital secrets from eavesdroppers, without an encryption key, any message stored in an inbox or reached from the cloud will look like gibberish. Wickr, a mobile app, performs a similar service for phones, encrypting video, images and text, and erasing deleted files for good. Both GPG and Wickr works for all the internet services.

  • Set Self- destruct Timer to emails

        There are some services which are available on the internet which could be used to set timer to the email.Services like 10 minute mail allow users to open an email address and send a message, and the address self-destructs 10 minute later. Wickr also allows users to set a self-destruct timer so they can control how long a recipient can view a file before it disappears.

For Internet Messenger Users:

  • Go off the record

         For those who uses Google Talk. There is a advanced option in G Talk named "off the record".Choose the “off the record” feature on Google Talk, Google’s IM client, which ensures that nothing typed is saved or searchable in either person’s Gmail account.

If you want to know more about any of the above services or having any problem feel free to ask.

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